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Conscious Abstracting
by Vitvanin 20 Lessons
Introduction To "Conscious Abstracting"
"At last! I have found what I have been looking for all my life-a way toexplain the gnosis for the new age!" That was Vitvan's reaction whenhe discovered General Semantics. He was so enthusiastic after readingKorzybski's Science and Sanity that he traveled to Chicago in 1938 totake a course from Count Alfred himself. The lesson course presentedhere was Vitvan's first presentation to his students of the science of general semantics after his return. Many who heard it at that timecomplained that Vitvan had "lost his spirituality." Indeed he had, since"spiritual" is one of the vague "unscientific" words he eliminated fromhis explanations after studying with Korzybski.Vitvan had known from a very early age that his life's work, hisdharma, was to articulate the ancient wisdom teachings for modernwestern man. He felt that in order to appeal to the American mind heshould use a scientific approach. His first effort in this pursuit was abook, Textbook of the Sacred Science, published in 1923, describingthe process of developing self-awareness. While his approach wasscientific, he felt that the words he used in his explanations were toovague. Words such as "soul," "spirit," "God," etc., have as manymeanings as there are users of the terms, and they certainly were notscientifically verifiable. For Vitvan, the science of semantics provided
the language needed. His teachings would no longer refer to "sacredscience," but to a natural order process which could be preciselydescribed. His students would then have the means to takeresponsibility for their own growth and development.What he did upon his return from his studies with Korzybski seemedalmost beyond belief to the students and family who were with him atthat time. He gathered up all of his manuscripts and even hispublished books and threw them into a cistern used for garbage. "Mywork must all be rewritten with this new scientific language," heannounced. "No more mysticism. This is the new age dispensation of the gnosis and it must be written in new terminology."Seekers of wisdom are not the only people who can benefit from thismaterial. Anyone wishing to lead a more psychologically stable life willfind many helpful tools in these lessons. As a means to greater mentalhealth and happiness, the practice of general semantics may providestability and "sanity" in the life of anyone who is willing to give it a try.The practices given in this course provide some of the best ways forstudents who are looking for a way to take charge of their own self-development to begin the process. Enjoy!(what follows here is the first lesson of a previously unpublished lessonseries.) 
Lesson 1
THE NEW PRESENTATIONWith this lesson we begin the instruction in what is now designated theSchool of the Natural Order. There are many reasons for the change indesignation from the School of the Sacred Science to the School of theNatural Order. These reasons will become apparent as we proceed withthe instruction—particularly as we learn the difference in orientationbetween the aristotelian and the non-aristotelian attitude towardnature. The post-non-aristotelian phase of the instruction willaccentuate this difference.We have been, and still are, devotees of the Wisdom Teachings. Or Imight express it: that which has been called the Wisdom Teaching hasbeen the focus of our orientation. This focus of our orientation has alsobeen designated the Sacred Science—particularly by the moreacceptable writers or commentators on the sacred scriptures of the
East. The foremost of these scriptures includes the Gospel according toSt. John, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, and the Path of Virtue byLao-Tze.We have been told that in every culture or age the Wisdom Teachingsare re-expressed and presented in the thought, language structureand conventional symbols pertaining thereto. We have also learnedthat the form or pattern guiding and determining the presentation of the Wisdom Teaching in any given culture has been what might betermed the basic scientific thought of that culture. In other words, notonly the presentation of the Wisdom Teaching, but the religions andthe general mental outlook of informed individuals, the systems of thought and the philosophies of a culture have been determined by thescientific findings, determinations, and agreements of that culture.This, of course, can be and is designated as the philosophy of history,or philosophy of the development of society called social evolution.This, in turn, has resulted in the attitude toward nature held by theaverage perceiver of a given period.A new age or culture is now (1941) forecast by a revolutionary changein the mental understanding of our leading scientists regarding nature.I call the new developments in science, and particularly in physics, theeinsteinian age science. We also have new developments in linguisticsand the structure of language, etc., called semantic science, which isof course based upon new discoveries in physics and provides us withan additional and up-to-date form of presentation of the WisdomTeachings.It is important that this point be noted: We are not pretending toteach einsteinian age science, nor are we pretending to teach generalsemantics, because we believe that the basic thought of these sciencesdoes not represent nor express the ultimate Reality. These systemsrepresent a definite advance in understanding and serve as a mostimportant ‘next step’ in structure and expression, but do not representthe ultimate insight of the advanced perceiver. However, we dopretend to understand the einsteinian age science and also generalsemantics sufficiently to aid us in the modern and up-to-datepresentation of the Wisdom Teachings. Therefore, this course of lessons will contain first, the developments of the einsteinian agescience and of general semantics sufficient for our purposes; andsecond, the presentation of the Wisdom Teachings with the aid of thenew orientation thus provided.The important point to which I here direct your attention is that it is
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